Dear Spiritual Travelers,

It has been a good while since I have opened the Records for the purpose of writing an Akashic Newsletter!  For those of you receiving this newsletter for the first time, Welcome!  For those of you who have received it in the past, so glad to be sending it to you again!   

Some Announcements!

I am in a new space to do consults and teach classes!  It is not far from the old office! I will forward that information as needed.

Please check the calendar below for classes that I currently have scheduled.  Remember you can refresh your skill set on any level by retaking a class for half price. 

I continue to do an Akashic Record MeetUP meeting via Zoom.  This group has been around since 2012, for the purpose of allowing people to know we have an Akashic Record Group in Jacksonville, FL. This month, I had the pleasure of having people from different cities!  The MeetUP group meets once a month – the 4th Tuesday of every Month. 

There will be a Reunion of the Akashic Angels at the end of March.  Students must have taken Levels 1 and 2; and are invited to spend an evening together going into the Records and experiencing the Love Seat!   

I am thrilled to share that a story I wrote about my journey to take my first Akashic Record class was accepted for an anthology in the Common Sentience book series – by Sacred Stories. It is due out in August. Many thanks, to Lisa Barnett, who made us aware of the opportunity to submit a story; and encouraged us to enter!!!    I am working to complete my first book about the Records, and hope to have it finished to start the publishing journey by August as well! 

Many Blessings – have a beautiful month,


From the Masters –

When you recognize that you are afraid, stop and take a quiet moment to ask yourself, what is it, that I am afraid of?   Once you have identified that, write it in your journal.  Then, open your Records and ask US that question again.  Listen, feel, and simply write, what we are telling you.   Ask us for our guidance.  We want so much to help you to feel the joy of life.  Remember, fear is the absence of LOVE.  And, LOVE, is really all you have when we come onto this plane, in between, when you leave it and beyond!

Blessings from the Masters

On July 1st, 2023, posted in: Newsletter by

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